If we had loved or liked someone deeply...
Would it still be possible for this very heart to hate him...
in spite of the many faults he had done...
in spite of the many disappointment he had caused...
and then
If we had truly hated someone...
Would it still be possible for this very heart to liked him again..
in spite of the many goodness he had done..
in spite of the thousands apologies he had said..
in spite of the many pleasant things he had done to gain our forgiveness..
In my opinion..
I don't think they're possible.., really...
Why do our feelings are so very much hardened..
If we had loved someone deeply, we'll keep loving him forever..
We would be so lucky if the one we had fallen in love, love us too..
But if the one we loved deeply is destined not to love us..
I guess, it will not be easy to change our love into hatred..
he would be like the missing piece of your shattered heart..,
but nevertheless, you would still love him..
in spite of the many hurts he had caused for you...
Then, if we had really hated someone...
We would keep hate him forever..
he would be like the stain of ink on your cloth that you would wanted to wash it away..
But, somehow, it seem impossible to remove the stain..
No matter how good the quality of your detergent may be..
No matter how many times you have tried to washed it over and over again
No matter how long you have soaked that stained cloth..
No matter how you had prayed that the stain wasn't there, in your cloth, in the first time...
the truth is, the stain is stilll there..
and even if you managed to get rid some of it...
there would be the fade trace of the stains...
And in the end, you would give up your cloth..
you would not want to wear it again..
Wow.., I don't know what caused me to write this...
I am supposed to be very23 happy..., really =)
despite the many low grades in many subjects I am taking this semester.., hehe =P
I guess all this thought came up after watching some film..
Watching film always makes me think much..
and causes me terribly mellow..
Will cheer up and be happy soon...=)
what do you think of my questions???