Friday, February 22, 2013

Are you a nice person?

I am a nice person. It's a point of pride I took with me since as long as i can remember.
It's not my intention to brag. But it's a statement I must do to make points out of this post.

I always treat other people nicely.
I thanked people if they had helped me or they had provided me service although I did pay for their service.
I helped my friends if they needed it (the proudest moment was when I was able to teach my friends school stuff and they can understand my explanation)
I smiled at strangers.
my life long dream is to dedicate myself in a non-profit charity orgnization.
Maybe all those points aren't your definition of being nice. But, for me, I think all those gesture are parts of me being nice.
For as long as I can remember, From kindergarten to University, until the company I went internship, I feel that People are really nice too to me.

Right now, I worked in Jakarta.
It's a Harsh World for me. I know it's nothing compared to middle east or other conflict nations.
but it's so much more Harsh than the world that I used to belong.

When I queue for bus, most people here will push me from behind to make sure they would get in the bus or the next bus sooner. It is not uncommon for some people to cut off the queue and not give a damn about other. Until recently, I am always the one who get pushed over and I am so sick at it.
Sure, the bus number is not enough, so people sometimes have to wait longer for bus. But it is not a reason for pushing someone else. That Someone, who is being pushed away, along with any other people also did their shared of waiting.

Right now, this kind of behavior (pushing other and cutting off queue) seems to be the culture of people in here. and what's frustrating is it's not only for waiting bus case. It's actually for every day life scenario.  People pushed over other people and treated other people as obstacle to be pushed over to reached their goal. They will not hesitate or consider whether  their action will cause any injuries or accident for other. (wow, I'm actually using metaphor..!!)

I do not like to push over other people. On the other hand, I also wouldn't like to be the victim in this scenario. Being nice in this real life make it easier for other people to pushed us over, maybe stepped on us when we fell over.
Lately, when I was queuing for bus, I put on the scariest and the most fierce face i have. Also, I try to stand firmer. Whenever I feel slightly pushed by somebody, I immediately pushed back, so he or she will not take me lightly. To tell you the truth, I don't like my current self, despite the decrease 'pushed' I get lately.  I really want to be nice and feel that this world is all rainbows and flowers.

My parents often says that I can't be too nice in the society. I have to learn to defend myself, so I wouldn't get bullied. I was too naive back then. I thought the society is just as nice as the environment I grew up in (from kindergarten to university). Now, I really understand my parents advice.

If this post ever been read by anybody..
Please, from deep inside my heart, please.., can you be nice to other people?
let's try slowly, from one person, expanding to one family, one neighborhood, one district, one city, one country and finally one world.
I just want to feel like when i was younger, where my world is perfect, as i know it, full of kind people; the world where I don't need to be this tough; also the world where I can show kindness to everybody else and not fear of being bullied..

just a little thought of mine.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

jibber-jabber and happy CNY!

Hi all..

It's been a long time again.., sorryyy.. :P
Nearly a year have past by. During that blog-vacant time, I was internshiping and busy feeling deppressed over so so so many unsucessful job-hunting.., tee hee.. :P

My grandmother had also passed away last October, and our big family is still in the mouring period.

Now, I have got a job as a safety engineer. I quite like the title of my job, because it has got the word "engineer". Somehow, it gave an awesome impression to other people that I am an engineer, who solve difficult things, haha.., please don't laugh at me. The truth is i haven't really know anything yet and am still learning. 

I am having a really hard time at adapting to new environment in my office though. I am still trying vey hard to become more close with them. sigh.

Chinese New year had also passed recently, last sunday, on February 10th. It's the year of snake. I had always love the year of snake, because i was born in one. me and my fam can't celebrate it this year though, because we are still in the mourning period for my grandmother. But, I am hapy enough that we can gather and eat together. My parents had also came to Jakarta and I am happy that I can keep them company while they're here. They have gone home now and I am very sad.

Valentine's day is also coming near. *sigh again.

And also, I am beginning to feel embarassed by this template of the blog. do you think it's still age appropriate? I think it is like the blog of a sixteen year old girl.
Should I be getting a more mature theme template for my blog? should I alsoo change the title
any thoughts, anyone?

Wishing you a prosporeous snake-year. :)

(source :
