Adapted from true story, but with some dramatic scenes added, hehehe
Once upon a time, in a peaceful village, lived two children...
Just name them Haohao and Youyou...
Their parents' house were build side by side, so they had always played together...
Years passed.., and as these two children grew up, they became best friends...
Their relationship as best friends was enviable to other children in that village, even some adults seem to be envy too.
Haohao and Youyou then went to same elementary school.
they would walk to school together, holding hands.
they sat next to each other in the classroom.
they ate together during every lunchtime.
they would also play together in the recess time.
when the school time passed,
they would go home together, walking with their hands holding on each other.
they would do their homework together and play together afterwards.
In short, they really spent most of their time together.
And they really enjoyed it much...
much than anyone can imagine.
Haohao and Youyou had much similarities.
They had the same hobby, had the same favorite hero, loved the same subjects, liked same kind of foods, did same sports, loved same game.
the only big difference between them is
Haohao is rather talkative while Youyou is much more quiet.
But differences had never bothered them.
Haohao and Youyou then attend the same high school.
They joined the same students' club, the science researching club
the teacher which is responsible to guide the science researching club is very satisfied these two teenagers performance and thus offered them a very rare chance to participate in the national researching competition as a team. They would be the only representative of their village.
Of course, the two of them did not let go of this offer. They worked very hard for the competition and they are determined to win the competition.
But unfortunately, just two months before the competition, Haohao had acccident. He was ran over by a motorcycle. The motorcyclist was drunk and had not sober when he ran over Haohao.
Haohao was hospitalized because of the seriousness of the injuries. The local doctor said that Haohao will be partially paralyzed. He would need a wheelchair to assist his movement.
Haohao was very heartbroken and very depressed.
Needless to say, Youyou is very heartbroken too. Everyday, he would spare some time to go to the hospital and accompany Haohao. But, often, Haohao was asleep during Youyou's visit, so he didn't knew his best friends had came. Sometimes, Haohao's imagination ran wild and made he think that his best friends would abandon him in this state.

While Haohao was hospitalized, Youyou took upon himself, the responsibility of Youyou. He took over Haohao's weekly task of cleaning the classroom. He also did all hard experiments for the national researching competition all by himself. Other than that, he was also searching a vehicle to rent, so that he could bring Haohao together with him to the competition. The teachers had persuaded Youyou to search for a new partner to replace Haohao. A new partner will help Youyou accomplish the hard experiments, but Youyou never agreed to the persuasion. He knew the competition meant much to Haohao, as it meant much to him. He promised himself that he would preserved on no matter how hard it would be. He wanted to make Both his and Haohao's dream came true.
Youyou is soon tired because of the much activities he had taken, but he never complained to anyone or blamed anyone. He never told Haohao about how he has handled various things since his absence.
Other than doing experiments and school's thing, Youyou would also went to Haohao's home to keep him informed of all the school subjects. He also took the effort to search for any medication, possible to cure Haohao, making him able to walk again. Often, he became too tired to spent more quality time with Haohao.
Haohao soon began to feel that Youyou didn't care about him for Youyou had spent such little time with him since the accidents. He didn't want to lose Youyou, but can't help feeling that Youyou was abandoning him.
A few days later, on Youyou's visit, Haohao can saw how tired Youyou was and he knew that Youyou's heart wasn't there with at all. But, Haohao misunderstood Youyou. He thought that Youyou was starting to disliked this routine to visit him, and thus, there was that expression on Youyou's face. He can't bear this any longer, than he shouted:
" Youyou, I am Heartbroken..!!! You didn't care for me anymore, right???!!! How could you do this to me??"

Youyou could never be more shocked by Haohao's words.
That night, he started thinking what has gone wrong? He has cared for Haohao like no one has ever done. He cared much for Haohao, but why Haohao didn't get it and even misunderstood him badly?? He then got the answer when he was watching dorama.
"If you think you can communicate the message without saying it out loud, That'll be the biggest mistake ever!!"
Youyou finally got it.
He was making a mistake, a big mistake.
He had cared much about Haohao, but he never said it or even mention it out to Haohao.
All of this time, he was just doing things that he thought might pleased Haohao.
But, who knows, what Haohao needs was just his attention and his time to spare with.
Despite the many things he had done or sacrificed for Haohao as his way of caring and concerning his friends, the most important thing is expressing the concern verbally.
All of this time, Youyou has thought that there is no need for him to speak out his concern. It's kind of showing off that he is concern, while he didn't like showing off. But by Speaking it out, didn't have to mean that that person is showing off. Speaking out our concern is necessary just to let other know that they are still being cared, there are still people showing them concern and understand their situation.
Immediately, he went to Haohao to tell him all the truth, how he has always put Haohao in the first place and how he had always cared for him. They then hugged and cried all night, and continued to be the best friends for each other.
Youyou then made a pact with himself to change over. He will be a more caring person, not just by his method of silencing, but by expressing it out verbally.
Starting from now on, he will let others know when he cared for others, by SAYING IT OUT of course.
Moral of the story :
"If you think you can communicate the message without saying out loud, that'll be the biggest mistake ever !!!"