who are this 'we', I am talking about??
I bet none of you could ever guess it correctly...
the 'we', I am talking about, refers to me and kungfu panda...
and so, let the story begins...
I have been greatly troubled by some personal matters this very week. I have been feeling that I am not welcomed by a group of people. What's worse is actually they hate me so much and they are not hiding their emotions.
The problem is, I didn't feel that I had done them any wrongs, in fact, I felt that I didn't do anything. I barely even know them so well to do them anythings, much more do them any wrongs. I am greatly troubled, feels great pressure, and much much stressed by this problem.
But, as always, I keep this trouble to myself, let no one knows about it and try to be cheerful in front of other people because I don't want to cause anyone, especially my friends, to become unhappy and worry 'bout me.
Until now, these troubles and stresses is bearable to me.., but who knows for how much longer can I hold on??
Someday, When I am not strong enough to hold or bear these stresses, What am I gonna do?
and what has my problem's got to do with Kungfu Panda..?
A few days ago, when I am idling around, I watched over Kungfu Panda's movies to kill my free time. Ohmy, I love cartoons so much, that I wouldn't get bored watching them over and over again..., such a childish me..., hehe...
When in the middle of the film, one scene greatly took my whole attention and I am shock by the similarity of the situation that me and the kungfu panda (let's call him, po) are experiencing.
here is that scene...:
Master Oogway, carrying a lantern, approached Po on the peach tree hill...
Po was feeling upset, and so was eating many peachs alone.

and here is the conversation :
Master Oogway : I see you have found the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom.
Po : Is that what this is? I am so Sorry. I thought It was just a regular peach tree.
Master Oogway : I understand. You eat when you are upset.
Po : Upset? I'm not upset. What makes you think I'm upset?
Master Oogway : So, why are you upset?
Po : Hhhh... I probably sucked today more than anyone in the history of kung fu. In the history of China and the history of sucking. (sorry, if the word sucked and sucking is too rough, but Po said that.)
Master Oogway : Probably
Po : And the Five ! Man, you should've seen them! They totally hate me
Master Oogway : Totally
Po : How is Shifu ever going to turn me into the Dragon Warrior? Hhhh... I mean, I'm not like the Five. I've got no claws, no wings, no venom.. Even Mantis has those thingies.. Maybe I should just quit and go back to making noodles
Master Oogway :
Quit, don't quit...
Noodles, don't noodles...
You are too concerned with what was and what will be...
There's a saying :
Yesterday is History
Tomorrow is a mystery
But, today is a gift
That is why it is called the present
And trust me...
the similarties are not just the condition that we are hated by a group of people and we are feeling very desperate and stressed out
another similarity is that
I do eat when I am upset..., really
ohya, kind of not-so-important thing, but I love the character of master oogway much, hope that someday I will be as wise as him
Hi Lotus,
Came across your blog accidentally. I am really surprised that such a young lady (at first I thought you were 15!) can be so wise and aware.
If you really understand oogway's meaning, you will have a wonderful life ahead of you.
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