Friday, 21 November 2008
It's definitely one of the best days, I have ever encountered...
Maybe that kind of day doesn't come by my Life very easily...
Yesterday, especially...
I felt that I had really been cared specially by most of my friend(s)...
But to come and think about it now...,
Maybe my friend(s) didin't show any special care for me purposely.., it's my silly little thought that thinks so...
Or maybe My friend(s) cared for many people other than me..., so those cares aren't specially for me only
Or maybe (what I really wished for) My friend(s) did showed me some concern and really did cared for me specially...
Whatever the fact is...,I don't really mind...
What's important right that...
I truly believe that I had been really cared for by my friend(s), in a very special ways.
That belief in mind really keeps me very happy
Super Duper Incredibly HAPPY
I am not a very active person...
In fact, I am quite shy...
I keep quiet for most of my interactions with friends...
I'm much prefer to be silent and be a good hearer.
For that reason, I'm not very noticeable in my groups...
I often felt that my friends don't really cared for me...
But today, I felt that the fact is most of them really do care for me...
It's me myself that put a barrier so high..., separating me and them..
Maybe this feeling is not 100% true, maybe even not 1% true...,
but I want to keep believe in it
for intermezzo, haha
this kind of belief is called Suggestion.
Suggestion is a feeling that is necessary for us to nurture inside our mind...
It doesn't really matter whether our suggestions is true or false; is hard or easy...
But what matter is that the feeling and compassion we'll get with this suggestion...
From suggestions, we'll get more motivation to fight for what we do really believe in...
By keep believing / suggesting that I had been specially cared for...,
I feel happy..., really very very happy from deep inside my heart...
I think, that is what matter most to me...
But whatever it is, I just wanna tell the world that I am Happy...
So Happy...

May I am blessed with this feeling always...
It's so nice to be HAPPY...
Hope that anyone in this world can own happiness in their own life...
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