I want to share an essay I had read somewhere...
It has left a deep impression on me...
It also gave me much courage in times when I was facing difficulties and obstacles in my life...
Once a man lost his favorite horse.
His friends pacified him
He said,
"I don't know whether this is good or not - That's just it"
His horse suddenly came back to him, bringing with it, a wild horse.
His friends congratulated him
He said,
"I don't know whether this is good or not - That's just it"
His son injured his legs badly while he was training the wild horse
His friends felt sorry for him and his son and consoled him
He said,
"I don't know whether this is good or not - That's just it"
There was a war going on and all healthy young man must participated in it to defend their country.
His friends came to congratulate him
He said,
"I don't know whether this is good or not - That's just it"
So often, we are overwhelmed with joy and happiness when "good things" (in our own judgements and opinions) accidentally happen on us...
There are much more times when we reprimand God for what we thought as "bad things" that comes in our journey...
Actually , when difficulties came in our journey, he had brought with it, an invisible gift with it. All we need to do is to face the difficulties bravely and patiently till we see what it had brought along with it.
Once, I had encountered some obstacles in my life. After I got over the problems, I discovered that I had grown more mature in times of the difficulties. I also learn to cherish my friends much more than before, because that problems made me understand that my friends are people who're gonna stick with me in times of good and bad
If we analog good things as bright sunshines and bad things as heavy downpour...

In our lives, we'll encounter these two weather continuously..
After a heavy downpour, there will b a bright sunshine coming...
After a bright sunshine, there will be a heavy downpour coming...
If you could endure the downpour long enough, you'll surely see the beautiful rainbow in the sunshines..
and you'll be thankful that downpour had come barging into your life..
It's neither good or bad
It's just it...
It's just ingredients and spices to make our life yummy...
Yum... Yum...!!!
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