Wednesday, February 13, 2013

jibber-jabber and happy CNY!

Hi all..

It's been a long time again.., sorryyy.. :P
Nearly a year have past by. During that blog-vacant time, I was internshiping and busy feeling deppressed over so so so many unsucessful job-hunting.., tee hee.. :P

My grandmother had also passed away last October, and our big family is still in the mouring period.

Now, I have got a job as a safety engineer. I quite like the title of my job, because it has got the word "engineer". Somehow, it gave an awesome impression to other people that I am an engineer, who solve difficult things, haha.., please don't laugh at me. The truth is i haven't really know anything yet and am still learning. 

I am having a really hard time at adapting to new environment in my office though. I am still trying vey hard to become more close with them. sigh.

Chinese New year had also passed recently, last sunday, on February 10th. It's the year of snake. I had always love the year of snake, because i was born in one. me and my fam can't celebrate it this year though, because we are still in the mourning period for my grandmother. But, I am hapy enough that we can gather and eat together. My parents had also came to Jakarta and I am happy that I can keep them company while they're here. They have gone home now and I am very sad.

Valentine's day is also coming near. *sigh again.

And also, I am beginning to feel embarassed by this template of the blog. do you think it's still age appropriate? I think it is like the blog of a sixteen year old girl.
Should I be getting a more mature theme template for my blog? should I alsoo change the title
any thoughts, anyone?

Wishing you a prosporeous snake-year. :)

(source :


Anonymous said...

Hi, long time no see.

Dream is there for you to live. A nice blog, Marilyn. I don't think that this template is too childish. But, the color can background color can be better so the word can be read easily. :D

Best regards,
Your friend (coba tebak, hohoho)

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